THIRD AND FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS 2013 Workshop on Computational Models of Narrative (CMN 2013) 4-6 August 2013 Universitaet Hamburg, Germany (a satellite workshop of CogSci 2013: The 35th meeting of the Cognitive Science Society Berlin, Germany, 31 July - 3 August 2013) KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Richard Gerrig, Stony Brook University, U.S.A. Inderjeet Mani, Chiang Mai, Thailand Paper Submission: Important Dates: 24 February 2013. Submission deadline. 31 March 2013. Notification. 30 April 2013. Final versions due. 31 July - 3 August 2013. CogSci 2013 in Berlin. 4-6 August 2013. Workshop in Hamburg. Workshop Aims Narratives are ubiquitous in human experience. We use them to communicate, convince, explain, and entertain. As far as we know, every society in the world has narratives, which suggests they are rooted in our psychology and serve an important cognitive function. It is becoming increasingly clear that, to truly understand and explain human intelligence, beliefs, and behaviors, we will have to understand why and to what extent narrative is universal and explain (or explain away) the function it serves. The aim of this workshop series is to address key questions that advance our understanding of narrative and our ability to model it computationally. Special Focus: Cognitive Science This workshop will be an appropriate venue for papers addressing fundamental topics and questions regarding narrative. The workshop will be held as a satellite event of the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (to be held in Berlin 31st July - 3rd August), and so will have a special focus on the cognitive science of narrative. Papers should be relevant to issues fundamental to the computational modeling and scientific understanding of narrative; we especially welcome papers relevant to the cognitive, linguistic, or philosophical aspects of narrative. Cognitive psychological or neuroscientific experimental work which may provide insights critical to computational modeling is appropriate for this workshop, and is encouraged. Discussing technological applications or motivations is not prohibited, but is not required. We accept both finished research and more tentative exploratory work. We invite and encourage submissions either as full papers or position papers, through the workshop's EasyChair website We also invite you to submit an abstract soon so that we can gauge the number of submissions we can expect. (Submitting an abstract is possible without submitting the full paper at the same time.) Accepted papers will be published in an electronic proceedings volume in the series OASIcs (Open Access Series in Informatics, Schloss Dagstuhl). Full papers should contain original research and have to fit within 16 pages in the OASIcs style (plus two pages of references); position papers can report on work-in-progress, research plans or projects and have to fit within four pages in the OASIcs style (plus one page of references). OASIcs webpage: OASICs style: The CMN workshop series is organizing a special issue on "Computational Models of Narrative", which will appear in the 2014 volume of the Journal of Literary and Linguistic Computing (LLC, The deadline for final papers will be in late 2013. Authors of top workshop papers will be encouraged to expand their work and submit to the special issue. Prize for Best Student Paper on Cognitive Science The best student paper in cognitive science submitted to CMN 2013 will win an award funded by the Cognitive Science Society. The award consists of a cash prize of 250 USD and one year of free membership in the Cognitive Science Society. The selection will be made by the CMN 2013 programme committee. Programme Committee: Rossana Damiano, Kerstin Dautenhahn, David K. Elson, Mark Finlayson (co-chair), Pablo Gervas, Andrew S. Gordon, Valerie G. Hardcastle, Patrik Haslum, Benedikt Loewe (co-chair), Jan Christoph Meister, Peggy J. Miller, Erik T. Mueller, Livia Polanyi, Marie-Laure Ryan, Timothy Tangherlini, Mariet Theune, Emmett Tomai, Atif Waraich, Patrick Henry Winston, R. Michael Young. Organizers: Mark A. Finlayson (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U.S.A.), Bernhard Fisseni (Universitaet Hamburg & Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Germany), Benedikt Loewe (Universitaet Hamburg, Germany & Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands), Jan Christoph Meister (Universitaet Hamburg, Germany).